Midterm Post
I've done a reading for every week so far, amounting to 39 points. If you double them, then that amounts 78 points. Each of my blog posts relates to how I felt within my experience with each novel and delves into detail about the themes, characters, and form of the prose that interest me as a writer. I made sure each read as a short, personal essay that's clear, concise, and concrete in the points I wanted to address.
If you add onto that for seven classes attended, then that amounts to an 85. I've missed no classes and have attended every discussion. I've never gone to a class without sharing what I've read and my thoughts about them, even responding to other classmates' points of discussion.
According to the syllabus, an 85 falls within a B for a grade. I've done that amount of work, so that should be my grade for the midterm.
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